Tuesday, September 15, 2009


This post was due to recent occurrences in the last few weeks. (Circa 8/17/09-9/13/09)
I recently noticed that I've had more than a few "coincidence" run-ins with some people who I usually just speak with on social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter. I thought nothing of it...was happy to see them, exchanged the usual generic conversation and went on with my enjoying of whatever event or place I was in at the time. Then these "run-ins" were becoming way too frequent at some places where I knew these certain individuals did not frequent. Just when I started to gain a suspicion, I made a crucial error from my Blackberry...I sent out a tweet on Twitter, but I just recently updated my version of UberTwitter on my phone and did not notice I hadn't taken off the ADD LOCATION feature from every tweet. So I posted a simple thought that came to mind however, it would prove to be the scariest tweet ever. When I checked the tweet to see if I wrote it right after it posted, I noticed it had the exact location I was in...a space that was off limits to everyone...my sanctuary. So I immediately took the feature off, but be fore warned...this can happen to you!

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